Wriggle Support

Wriggle Support

Our technology support provider is Wriggle.

Sometimes parents/guardians need to contact Wriggle when there are issues with the technology that the school cannot solve. Examples of issues Wriggle can help with are logging into the device if there are problems, and repairing the device should something happen it.

If you need support from Wriggle, you have 2 options:

1) Call Wriggle on 01 500 9060 and choose one of the options to speak to someone one of the Wriggle Team

2) Mail Wriggle at https://wriggle.ie/customer-support/ and submit your query in writing where it will be logged and replied to in due course.

Wriggle Controls

If a student unrolls from the school, the school should be contacted in relation to unlocking the Wriggle controls.

Internal School Controls

The school is responsible for the child protection password on the iPad. Should a student unroll from the the school and wish to get this child protection password removed, this will have to be done physically in the school owing to the importance of not releasing any passwords in relation to child protection out into the school community.

Oldcourt Road,
Dublin 24,
D24 NY6R

01 961 8199

Educate Together
© 2025 Firhouse Educate Together Secondary School