In support of our student-centred approach to learning and teaching, there are three concepts that inform our planning here in Firhouse ETSS. They are:
- Restorative Practice
- Universal Design for Learning
- Student Voice and Participation
These three concepts ensure that there is a safe classroom environment in which to learn, that there is flexibility and choice when it comes to accessing the learning, and that students are encouraged to become independent and critical thinkers by using their voice.
Here are our some of our considerations when planning for learning:
Learning outcomes are outlined in the various junior cycle specifications. They detail what we want our students to know, to understand, to be able to do and to value. In planning for learning, subject department teachers come together to choose suitable learning outcomes, taking into consideration prior learning, the stage of their students, and their interests.
As part of planning for learning, assessment is designed and aligned with the learning. There are many ways for students to demonstrate their learning and students are given options as to how they can do this. Quality feedback is important for students to receive as this gives them the necessary information about what went well and how they can improve even further.
Well planned learning activities play a very important part in motivating students and ensuring that they can access information in a student-centred way. Our team ensures that the content and activities used are designed with our students in mind. Again, choice is important, as too is ensuring each student is suitably challenged.
Learning intentions are created to ensure that students are clear on the learning. They act as touchstones to support students to keep their focus on the intended learning and to reflect on their progress.
Reflection on the learning is encouraged at all stages of learning to support students to think about their progress and how to develop their learning further. A culture of reflection and feedback builds student confidence, engagement and ownership.
Blended learning, incorporating appropriate digital technology into learning and teaching, is central to what we do in Firhouse ETSS. All students use an iPad and stylus, while ensuring that they have a hardback and copybook/scrapbook for each subject.
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, content, and assignments together in one place, allowing our team to build their vibrant learning environments. Think of Teams as the online classroom. With Teams, teachers can quickly communicate with students, share their files and useful website links, create a OneNote Class Notebook, and assess student work. The video below outlines how Microsoft Teams works.
OneNote is a digital notebook that allows students to keep their notes organised and to access worksheets. It also allows teachers to provide feedback on any work that is documented and saved on OneNote. Check out the video below to get a better sense of how OneNote is used in our school.