Senior Cycle - LCA and LCE

Senior Cycle

Senior Cycle (5th and 6th Year) Overview

Firhouse ETSS is proud to offer 2 senior cycle programmes for 5th and 6th year students - both Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) and Leaving Certificate Established (LCE). We have offered both programmes since we had our very first 5th Year group in the 2022-2023 academic year. LCA and LCE are equally valued by the team and students alike, with each programme offering our students quality learning opportunities, and progression pathways beyond secondary school.

We understand the importance of students in Transition Year (TY) making as educated a decision as possible around which programme is best suited to them as learners and individuals.

Below you can see the presentations to help guide parents / guardians and students when choosing which programme to take.

Leaving Certificate Applied Leaving Certificate Established
Information Document: LCA Presentation.pdf Information Document: LCE Presentation.pdf
Student Voice Video: Student Voice Video:
  • If you have any questions about the choice between LCA or LCE that have not been answered in the documents above, please use the following link to send Eoin your question directly: Outstanding Questions about LCA or LCE
  • When you have made your decision about which programme from LCA and LCE you are choosing, please use the following link to notify the school of your choice (reminder of closing date 6pm on Friday 7th February 2025): Submit preference for LCA or LCE

If you choose Leaving Certificate Applied, the following timeline is important to note:

  • Monday 10th February:
    • Students who choose Leaving Certificate Applied will be given an application form to complete
  • Thursday 13th February
    • The application form must be completed and handed up to Eoin by lunchtime on this date
  • Friday 7th March
    • Interviews will take place

If you choose Leaving Certificate Established, the following timeline is important to note:

  • Tuesday 4th March:
    • Students will be asked to decide what option subjects, out of a choice of 12, will be on offer for the Leaving Certificate
  • Friday 14th March:
    • Students will rank these final option subjects in order of preference to deicide which subjects sit on what option lines (indicating what subjects students will get for Leaving Certificate)
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Dublin 24,
D24 NY6R

01 961 8199

Educate Together
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