Parent/Guardian Information


1. Parent/Guardian Guide to Firhouse ETSS 2024/25 & School Calendar 2024/25

Below you will find a link to a PDF copy of our guide for the 2024/25 academic year that we hope will help you understand more about who we are and how we work:

Firhouse ETSS Parent/Guardian Guide 2024.25

School Calendar 2024.25

Additionally, we have detailed information pages for our different year groups below:

2. Guide to Communication

3. School Extra Curricular Timetable 2024/25

Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 12.04.52.png

4. Student Progress Meeting Schedule

Click here for information regarding the Student Progress Meetings scheduled for the 2024/2025 school year

3. School Insurance Letter

Allianz provides Firhouse ETSS with student insurance. Click here to access the document outlining the cover provided.

In the morning, the school yard is supervised from 8am-8:20am, with students being let into the building at 8:20am each morning.

5. Technology - Wriggle and VSware

We now have an entire section dedicated to technology on our website to guide you on Wriggle (our iPad service provider) and VSware (our school communication and updates software). Be sure to check out the 'Technology' tab on the main page of our website.

VSware Infographic

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Dublin 24,
D24 NY6R

01 961 8199

Educate Together
© 2025 Firhouse Educate Together Secondary School