1st Year Subject Preferences


Dear parents/guardians,

All information can be found about first year subject choice on the 1st Year Curriculum Page of the school website. Options this year are different owing to the larger size of this year's first year group. Instead of students doing two rounds of subject choice in first year, there is now one round taking place now. I have taken the below information directly from this page on the website:

"Students will get 6 weeks of sampling option subjects at the start of 1st Year. After the taster programme ends in mid-October, students indicate their number 1 choice, from each line. Students may not do a subject twice.

  • Option Line 1: French v Home Economics v Science v Wood Technology
  • Option Line 2: Geography v Music v Science v Spanish
  • Option Line 3: Business Studies v Geography v Science
  • Option Line 4: Business Studies v French v Home Economics v Visual Art

When ranking subjects, students must also indicate their number 2, 3 and 4 on each line so that we have an idea what the backup subjects are."

There is also a short course to be preferences out of the following options: Artistic Performance v Climate Action v Coding

My intention by getting initial data from the students was to support you as parents by getting this data, spending time uploading it to the options part of VSware, and then giving you as a family, from Thursday evening until Sunday evening, time to discuss the options at home and amend anything that you wished. By the end of today, I will have uploaded what each child has preferenced on each line and then it will be over to you to make any amendments that you need to make.

For many NUI courses, a language like French or Spanish is a key part of application but there are exceptions that are made for students with certain learning difficulties. More information can be found on the following website: https://www.nui.ie/college/entry-requirements.asp

Please note that no subject is guaranteed owing to class sizes and that what these preferences indicate are simply that, preferences. Next week, students will be informed of what subjects they have been allocated.

Kind regards,

Andrew Maloney (Deputy Principal)

Oldcourt Road,
Dublin 24,
D24 NY6R

01 961 8199

Educate Together
© 2025 Firhouse Educate Together Secondary School